Conference Program
The conference includes three days with plenary lectures, invited talks and parallel sessions for the oral presentation of the accepted research papers.
Click here to view the general outline of the program.
Click here to view the detailed program with author names [updated: 26th June 2024].
Click here to access the detailed program with author names and presentation titles [updated: 26th June 2024].
All times are given in GMT+3 (Istanbul). Click here to check your local time.
Before making your travel plans, please make sure that your presentation is included in the conference program. If you want to attend the conference without a paper (as a co-author or listener/accompanying person) your name must be listed in the list of participants registered as listener/accompanying person.

Please ensure that Zoom is installed on your device (click to download).
You only need to click on the Zoom link on the program, password is NOT required.