The list will be updated upon confirmations. Note that the order of the speakers was determined based on the confirmation sequence.
Prof. Dumitru Baleanu
Lebanese American University, Lebanon
Institute of Space Sciences, Magurele-Bucharest, Romania, Email:
Title: Fractional modelling versus the dynamics of some complicated systems
Abstract: Fractional modelling is a developing concept with applications in various fields of science and engineering. In this talk I will discuss several real world problems within the fractional calculus approach.
Prof. Abdon Atangana
University of the Free State, South Africa, Email:
Title: Crossover behaviors in nature: How to capture them with mathematics
Abstract:Classical nonlocal behaviors can be replicated using differential operators based on kernels like power law, exponential decay, Mittag-Leffler, and others. However, processes with crossover behaviors cannot be depicted using these operators, which is why a different concept was introduced called piecewise differentiation. In this talk, the theory, method, and application of this concept will be presented.
Prof. Ender Ozcan
University of Nottingham, United Kingdom, Email:
Title: Heuristic and metaheuristic approaches to topology optimisation for acoustic porous materials
Abstract: Achieving specific noise reduction targets, such as lowering pollution in key frequencies, is a challenge for acoustic engineers in automotive, aerospace, and construction industries. While filling available space with sound-absorbing materials seems intuitive, strategically incorporating air cavities can lead to significantly better sound absorption, reduced weight, material savings, and potentially lower costs. This talk explores how heuristic and metaheuristic approaches empower engineers to optimise the design of acoustic porous materials. We will showcase how these methods, beyond the well-known Solid Isotropic Material with Penalisation (SIMP) technique, achieve this by efficiently handling the inherently multi-objective nature of the problem.
Prof. Dr. Albert C. J. Luo
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, USA, Email:
Title: One-dimensional flows and infinite-equilibriums in planar polynomial systems
Abstract: In this paper, the 1-dimensional source, sink and saddle flows are discussed first, and then the 1-dimensional parabola and inflection flows are presented. The singular source, sink, and saddle flows are the appearing and switching bifurcations for simple sink and source flow arrays, and for lower-order singular source, sink and saddle flow arrays. The singular parabola and inflection flows are the appearing and switching bifurcations of simple parabola arrays and lower-order singular parabola and inflection flows. Infinite-equilibriums in single-variable polynomial systems are discussed, which are for the appearing and switching bifurcations of source, sink, and saddle flows with parabola and inflections.
Prof. Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber
Poznan University of Technology, Poland, Email:
Title: Optimal management of defined contribution pension funds under the effect of inflation, mortality and uncertainty
Abstract: In the present work, we study the problem of optimal management of defined contribution pension funds, during the distribution phase, under the effect of inflation, mortality and model uncertainty. More precisely, we consider a class of employees, who, at the time of retirement, enter a life assurance con- tract with the same insurance firm. The fund manager of the firm collects the entry fees to a portfolio savings account and this wealth is to be invested optimally in a Black–Scholes type financial market. As such schemes usually last for many years, we extend our framework, by: (i) augmenting the financial market with an inflation-adjusted bond, and, (ii) taking into account mortality of the fund members. Model uncertainty aspects are introduced as the fund manager does not fully trust the model he/she faces. By resorting to robust control and dynamic programming techniques, we provide: (a) closed-form solutions for the case of the exponential utility function, (b) a detailed study of the qualitative features of the problem at hand that elucidates the effect of robustness and inflation on the optimal investment decisions.
Reference: I. Baltas, L. Dopierala, K. Kolodziejczyk, M. Szczepański, G.-W. Weber (presenter), A. N. Yannacopoulos (2022). Optimal management of defined contribution pension funds under the effect of inflation, mortality and uncertainty, European Journal of Operational Research, 298(3), 1162-1174.
The list will be updated upon confirmations. Note that the order of the speakers was determined based on the confirmation sequence.
University of Warwick, United Kingdom, Email:
Title: Human-robot collaborative assembly systems
Abstract: In the rapidly evolving landscape of manufacturing, the integration of human-robot collaboration (HRC) has become a pivotal strategy in revolutionizing assembly line systems. This type of assembly line systems has emerged as a promising approach to enhance productivity, efficiency, and safety in modern manufacturing environments. This collaborative paradigm envisions a harmonious interaction between human workers and robotic systems, leveraging the unique strengths of both to create a synergistic working environment. The integration of robots alongside human operators allows for improved handling of complex and repetitive tasks while retaining the adaptability, creativity, and problem-solving capabilities of human workers. This talk will cover the current ongoing research in the field of HRC and the application of optimisation techniques in developing efficient assembly systems.

University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, Bulgaria, Email:
Title: Fractional modeling approaches to transport phenomena: Causality as a guiding concept and model contruction
Abstract: The talk addresses basic principles in fractional modeling related to problems merging in nonlocal continua such as heat, mass, and momentum transfer, applied rheology, and other dynamic hereditary models. Two approaches have been considered: the constitutive approach based on fading memory and thermodynamic consistency and formalistic fractionalization. The analysis stresses the attention on the correct model build-up when kernels of various types, dictated by the relaxation behavior of the physical process modeled, have to be applied and their physical and mathematical adequacies.

IBM Data Science & AI Elite, Germany, Email:
Title: Constraint Programming - An Alternative Approach to Heuristics in Scheduling
Abstract: This presentation will give an overview of constraint programming (CP) studies that involve different job scheduling problems. Mixed integer programming (MIP) and CP models are developed and tested on a set of common problem instances in the literature. Then, performances of models are compared against heuristics proposed in the literature for same type of problems. Computational results show that CP outperforms heuristics with respect to both solution time and solution quality. And when compared to optimal solutions, the results demonstrate that CP is capable of generating optimal or near optimal solutions in very short amount of times. Future adoption areas of CP will also be discussed along with deployment challenges of operations research (OR) projects.

Department of Medical Research, China Medical University Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan
ENS Moulay Ismail University Morocco, Morocco, Email:
Title: Towards a linear decoupled physical-property-preserving difference method for solving a fractional-order generalized Zakharov system
Abstract: The talk aims to present an efficient physical-property-preserving algorithm for the space fractional-order generalized Zakharov system. Firstly, the space fractional-order generalized Zakharov system is reformulated as an equivalent system of equations by introducing the auxiliary equation. Then the spatial fourth-order physical-property-preserving linearly implicit difference scheme is developed for the transformed system. Subsequently, with the aid of the cut-off function and discrete energy analysis method, the underlying scheme are proven to be with the optimal order of O(Δt2 + h4) in discrete L1 and L2 norms. The main feature of the new scheme is physical-property-preserving, linearly decoupled and easy to be applied in parallel computing, especially in long time simulations and large-scale problems. At last, numerical results are exhibited to substantiate the efficiency and preservation properties of our scheme, and investigate the dynamic behaviors of the collision of different solitary waves with subsonic and supersonic propagation speeds, respectively.

Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of South Africa
Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran, Email:
Title: Application of Wavelet Operational Matrix Algorithms for Nonlinear and Fractional Differential Equations*
Abstract: In this research work, an efficient Machine Learning-based Legendre wavelet method (ML-LWM) is utilised to estimate the parameters in ship damping models. Damping is critical for the roll motion response of a ship in waves. To the best of our knowledge, there is no Legendre Wavelet Method (LWM) has been reported to estimate the damping and restoring moments in ship dynamics models. LWM is applied to estimate roll angle, damping coefficients and restoring moments. Some numerical examples are given to demonstrate the validity and applicability of the proposed ML-LWM. The ML-LWM results are compared with the results obtained by the Homotopy Perturbation Method (HPM). Also, the proposed results are validated with the experimental data. Satisfactory agreement with experimental and HPM is noticed. The efficiency of the proposed wavelet method is confirmed by CPU runtime.
*In cooperation with G. Hariharan (SASTRA Deemed University, India)

Anand International College of Engineering, Jaipur, India, Email:
Title: Extended Caputo k- type fractional derivative operator
Abstract: Some fractional integral and derivative operators of any arbitrary order have gained considerable popularity and importance during the past few decades. The Caputo fractional derivative operator is one of the most popular of them which provides an improved formula for fractional derivatives. In this talk, we present some extensions of the k- hypergeometric functions and then develop the extended Caputo k- type fractional derivative operator by using two parameters k- Mittag-Leffler function. We also discuss some properties like generating functions and Mellin transform of the new extended Caputo k- type fractional derivative operator.