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The Third International Conference on Applied Mathematics in Engineering
26-28 June 2024, Balıkesir/Türkiye
[Updated: 26th June 2024]
Wednesday, 26th June 2024
  08:00-09:30 Registration
Wednesday, 26th June 2024
Opening 09:30-10:00
(All Times GMT+3)
Opening Ceremony (Manyas Hall)  
Speakers: Conference Chairs
Plenary 10:00-10:35 Plenary Lecture-1 (Manyas Hall) Fractional modelling versus the dynamics of some complicated systems
Speaker: Dumitru Baleanu
Chair: Necati Özdemir
10:35-10:55 Coffee Break
Plenary 10:55-11:30 Plenary Lecture-2 (Manyas Hall) Heuristic and metaheuristic approaches to topology optimisation for acoustic porous materials
Speaker: Ender Ozcan
Chair: Mukund Janardhanan
  Room-1 (Manyas)
Session: Fractional Calculus
Chair: Dumitru Baleanu
11:35 85-Dimiter Prodanov A space-fractional reaction-diffusion system with applications in neuroprosthetics
11:55 107-Sanjukta Das An investigation on the optimality condition of Caputo fractional time delay system
12:15 205-Mustafa Kutlu, Akif Akgül, Yeliz Karaca Explaining Fractional Order Chaotic Lung Cancer Treatment with Artificial Intelligence
12:35 223-Ozlem Defterli, Amin Jajarmi, Dumitru Baleanu, Jihad Asad Fractional Investigation of an Asymmetric Model for Two-Dimensional Harmonic Oscillator
12:55 13-Abdur Raheem Controllability of neutral fractional stochastic differential equations with infinite delay
  Room-2 (Kazdagi)
Session: Ind. Eng & Oper. Res. 
Chair: Mumtaz Karatas
11:35 5-Anett Rácz, Ákos Szabó 1D cutting optimization model with adjustable cutting cost and leftover threshold
11:55 179-Armağan Özbilge, M. Ali Ülkü On Optimal Inventory Management of Substitutable Products with Fixed Shelf-Lives
12:15 48-Mumtaz Karatas, Levent Eriskin, Ertan Yakici Gradual and Joint Coverage in Location Problems: Modeling Challenges and Solution Approaches
12:35 185-Ezgi Karabulut Türkseven, Ezgi Genç, Ilgın Şafak, Aykut Yüksek, Yalçın Yılmaz End of Day Process Optimization Through Multi-Mode Resource Constrained Project Scheduling - A Banking Case Study
12:55 41-Ertan Yakici, Mümtaz Karataş, Levent Erişkin, Orhan Karasakal Optimization of Fleet Search
  Room-3 (Vali Galip Demirel)
Session: AI & Computational Methods
Chair: Halima Lakhbab
11:35 139-Halima Lakhbab HNSG: A Hybrid Algorithm for Nonlinear Unconstrained Optimization:Brief Reveiw, Parameters Test and comparative results
11:55 154-Suzan Kantarcı-Savaş Fuzzy Neural Network on Linguistic Variable by using WABL Defuzzification
12:15 198-Emrullah Sonuç, Ender Özcan Parallel Implementation of Late Acceptance Hill-Climbing Algorithm
12:35 239-Ahmet Akusta, Hasan Hüseyin Yildirim Identifying Key Drivers at Different Volatility Levels in BIST100 Firms through Machine Learning Segmentation
12:55 40-Elif Alpay Bayındır, Cihan Bayındır Analysis of Vortex Dynamics by LSTM Deep Learning Network
  Room-4 (Online)
Session: Ind. Eng & Oper. Res. 
Chair: Yeliz Buruk Şahin
11:35 170-Yeliz Buruk Şahin A Best Worst Method based Vehicle Routing Model for Medical Waste Management
11:55 144-Betül Kayışoğlu Workload Balancing in Non-Identical Parallel Machine Scheduling: A Case Study in Cardboard Box Manufacturing
12:15 162-Oktay Yilmaz, Nezir Aydin, Ibrahim Kucukkoc Minimization of Manufacturing Cost in Mixed-model Robotic Assembly Lines
12:35 106-Ayse Sena Sahin, Gamze Gul Akyurek, Ruveyda Aydinli, Sevda Nur Copur, Tugba Ekinci, Şeyma Bekli, Betül Kayışoğlu Efficient Scheduling and Setup Time Minimization in Panel Line Production
12:55 251-Halil AKBAŞ Designing Order Picking Systems Used in Logistics Warehouses with Mathematical Modeling and Artificial Intelligence Methods
  Room-5 (Online)
Session: Mathematical Applications
Chair: Selçuk Han Aydın
11:35 29-Selçuk Han Aydın, Alpha Peter Lukonde BEM and DRBEM Solutions of 3-D MHD Flow Equations
11:55 59-Ayse Ozdogan Dolcek Numerical modeling of geological medium utilizing anology between solute and heat transfer equations
12:15 76-Elif Ebren Kaya DRBEM Solutions of MHD Flow in a Rectangular Duct with Variably Conducting Walls
12:35 80-Güler Başak Öznur, Yelda Aygar A Study of Scattering Theory of Eigenparameter-Dependent Impulsive Sturm-Liouville Equation With Matrix Coefficients
12:55 189-Esmanur Yıldız, Taylan Şengül, Burhan Tiryakioglu The Exact Formulation of the First Transition Number in Nonlinear Reaction-Diffusion Equations
  Room-6 (Online)
Session: Mathematics
Chair: Burcu Gürbüz
11:35 161-Burcu Gürbüz, Aytül Gökçe A comprehensive computational approach for a model of the dynamics of acute inflammatory response
11:55 229-Ali Hamzah Alibrahim, Saptarshi Das The p-Fourier Series Related to p-Trigonometric Functions
12:15 236-Sania Qureshi A Highly Accurate Family of Stable and Convergent Numerical Solvers Based on Daftardar-Gejji and Jafari Decomposition Technique for Systems of Nonlinear Equations
12:35 120-Mustafa Hicret Yaman, Gamze Yuksel, Serkan Yazman Bypass – Blood Flow Simulation for Coronary Artery Disease via Openfoam
12:55 50-Mehmet Ali Kaygusuz, Vilda Purutçuoğlu Optimal Multiple Testing Procedure for Imputation of Single Cell RNA Sequence Data
13:15-14:25 LUNCH
Plenary 14:30-15:05 Plenary Lecture-3 (Manyas Hall) One-dimensional flows and infinite-equilibriums in planar polynomial systems
Speaker: Albert Luo - Online
Chair: Dumitru Baleanu
  Room-1 (Manyas)
Session: Mathematical Applications
Chair: Münevver Tezer Sezgin
15:10 188-Stefan M. Filipov, Ana Avdzhieva, István Faragó, Jordan Hristov Implicit time discretization and quasi-linearization for numerical solution of nonlinear heat transfer problems
15:30 28-Münevver Tezer Sezgin, Selçuk Han Aydın Steady MHD Flow in a Duct with Non-Rectangular Cross-Section Using the Stabilized FEM Solution
15:50 58-Derya Altıntan A hybrid method for simulating biochemical reaction networks with time-delay involving monomolecular reactions
16:10 69-Merve Gurbuz-Caldag, Bengisen Pekmen Geridonmez RBF Approximation of Fe3O4-Water Nanofluid containing Magnetotactic Bacteria
16:20 109-Hale Gül Dağ, Kübra Erdem Biçer A Numerical Method Based on Boole Polynomial For the Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations and the Error Analysis
  Room-2 (Kazdagi)
Session: Ind. Eng & Oper. Res. 
Chair: Ender Ozcan
15:10 49-Levent Erişkin, Mumtaz Karatas, Ertan Yakici Location Analysis Under Uncertainty
15:30 211-Beyza Boz, Serkan Yorulmaz, Merve Temur Case Study of Production Line Planning by Using Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm
15:50 226-Ayşe Salı, Şahika Koyun Yılmaz On The Use of Genetic Algorithms for Dynamic Employee Assignment Problem
16:10 125-Hatice Büşra Gökbunar, Şeyma Bekli Optimizing Sustainable Food Waste Management: A Mathematical Modelling Approach for Retailers
  Room-3 (Vali Galip Demirel)
Session: AI Applications
Chair: Metin Şengül
15:10 30-Metin Şengül, Atilla Özmen Determination of Mixed Element Network Structures via Artificial Neural Networks
15:30 146-Nursena Akbuğa, Adem Erik, Yusuf Kuvvetli The Evaluation of Handwritten Examination Papers Utilizing Artificial Intelligence Methods
15:50 183-Doniazad Ben Sayah, Özlem Feyza Varol, Burçin Külahçıoğlu Efficient Research Navigation: Automated Paper Recommendations via Machine Learning
16:10 191-Özge Çelik, Kadriye Filiz Balbal, Sebahattin İkikardeş Deep Learning Models Designed for Solar Power Forecasting
16:20 242-Necati Ozdemir, Mehmet Yavuz,
Hasan Hüseyin Yildirim, Fırat Evirgen
Forecasting of Energy Production in Solar-PV Plant Using Artificial Neural Networks Techniques
  Room-4 (Online)
Session: Model. & Optim. in Engineering
Chair: İsmail Caner
15:10 61-Ali Berkol, İdil Gökçe Demirtaş PSO for Radar and Sensor Network Optimization: Mathematical Modeling and Supported Studies with Simulations
15:30 70-Okan Kon, Ismail Caner Determination of Optimal Design Parameters for Hybrid PV/T Wall Application In Buildings Using The Response Surface Method
15:50 153-Mehmet Çeçen Solar PV cell parameters optimization using improved whale optimization algorithm
16:10 121-Ahmet Ataşoğlu, Hüseyin Haklı, Alperen Eroğlu Genetic Algorithms based pre-trained Transformer model optimization
16:20 124-Yahya Kaya, Veysel Kobya, Ali Mardani Optimization of Grinding Conditions during the Clinker Grinding Stage
  Room-5 (Online)
Session: Fractional Calculus
Chair: Saptarshi Das
15:10 46-Taofeek O. Alade Mathematical Modeling and Analysis of Virus Dynamics: Integrating Immune Responses and Transmission Modes
15:30 72-Anabela S. Silva Uniqueness and Stability of Solutions for a Fractional Initial Value Problem
15:50 243-Saptarshi Das, Lamia M Alyami, Fatma Ozkose, Mehmet Yavuz, Stuart Townley Estimation and Feedback Control of Comorbidity using Historic COVID-19 Data
16:10 204-Türker Berk Dönmez, Mustafa Kutlu, Chris Freeman, Akif Akgül, Yeliz Karaca Demystifying Fractional Order Chaotic Respiratory Disease System with XAI
16:20 235- Mehmet Yavuz, Muhammet Öztürk, Burcu Yaşkıran Comparison of Fractional Order Sliding Mode Controllers on Robot Manipulator
  Room-6 (Online)
Session: Mathematics
Chair: Stoyan Yordanov
15:10 18-Çağrı Yılmaz Exploiting a Multifrequency Duffing-Mathieu Oscillator to Explore the Effect of Driving Force Strength on Hydrodynamic Sensitivity of a Micro-cantilever
15:30 178-Stoyan Yordanov, Dimiter Prodanov Analyzing auto- and cross-correlation curves of Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy data by Brownian dynamics simulations and Monte-Carlo importance sampling
15:50 31-Süleyman Cengizci Natural and Mixed Convection Phenomena under Lorentz Forces: Application of the SUPS Finite Element Formulation
16:10 89-Ali Çalışkan, Yasin Ünlütürk, Selcan Kocabaş A New Method to Design Timelike Developable Surface with A Common Line of Curvature
16:20 222-Fatma Tokmak Fen, Mehmet Onur Fen Dynamic Equations with Modulo Periodic Poisson Stable Oscillations on Periodic Time Scales
16:50-17:05 Coffee Break
Plenary 17:05-17:35 Invited Speaker-1 (Manyas Hall) Fractional modeling approachesto transport phenomena: Causality as a guiding concept and model contruction
Speaker: Jordan Hristov
Chair: Necati Ozdemir
Plenary 17:35-18:05 Invited Speaker-2 (Manyas Hall) Extended Caputo k- type fractional derivative operator
Speaker: Praveen Agarwal - Online
Chair: Jordan Hristov
  Room-1 (Manyas)
Session: Mathematical Applications
Chair: Canan Bozkaya
18:10 91-Canan Bozkaya, Gamze Öğütçü Construction of new finite differences to approximate the modified Helmholtz type equations
18:30 96-Tuğba Aydemir New Exact Travelling Wave Solutions for (2+1)-dimensional Date-Jimbo-Kashiwara-Miwa Equation
18:50 108-Hale Gül Dağ, Kübra Erdem Biçer Boole Matrix Method For the Numerical Solution of the Nonlinear Delay Differential Equation And the Error Analysis
19:10 187-Şevval Yıldız, Şeyma Bilazeroğlu, Hüseyin Merdan Bifurcations and Chaotic Behavior of Lotka-Volterra Predator Prey System Involving Refuge Effect
  Room-2 (Kazdagi)
  Session: Ind. Eng & Oper. Res. 
  Chair: Mukund Janardhanan
  18:10 38-Damla Camli, Ibrahim Kucukkoc Rebalancing of multi-manned assembly lines with model variability
  18:30 25-Ahmed Ali Al-Awbathani, Abdelrahman Alnuaizi, Fatih Yiğit Traveling Salesman Problem Using Metaheuristic : An Optimization Of The Formula 1 2024 Race Calendar 
  18:50 112-Hatice Büşra Gökbunar, Betül Kayışoğlu, Mahmut Akbaba Call Center Staff Scheduling with a Mathematical Model that Ensures Service Level Agreements and Equitable Workload Balancing
  19:10 128-Dinçer Ergül, Umay Uzunoğlu Koçer Portfolio Optimization by using Mean-Variance Model
  Room-3 (Vali Galip Demirel)
  Session: Model. & Optim. in Engineering
  Chair: Mutlu Yılmaz 
  18:10 77-Seyit Ahmet Sis Closed Form Expressions of the Resonance Frequencies and Bifurcation Criteria for Common Compensation Schemes in Inductive WPT Systems
  18:30 92-Sedat Kömürcü Investigation of the Nonlinear Flexural Characteristics of Shear Deformable Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Hybrid (CNTRH) Composite Beams
  18:50 73-Caner Adışen, İrem Hazar, V. Gökhan Demir, Ramazan Altay Numerical analysis of porosity values for different IP classes and verification with experimental studies
  19:10 93-Mutlu Yilmaz, Ramazan Yaman, Necip Erman Atilla Optimizing Power Systems for High-Sharing Renewable Integration with Security-Constrained Linear OPF 
  Room-4 (Online)
  Session: AI Applications
  Chair: Eray Cakici
  18:10 39-Elif Alpay Bayındır, Cihan Bayındır Resonant Tunnel Vibration Frequency and Magnitude Identification by LSTM Deep Learning Network
  18:30 190-Sevim Cengiz, Dilek Betul Saridede WASAR Counter: Machine Learning Based Water Sport Activity Recognition for the Repetitive Action Counting
  18:50 180-Nimet Aksoy, Zekeriya Anıl Güven, Murat Osman Ünalır Architecting and Evaluating a RAG based Question Answering System for SQuAD Dataset
  19:10 123-Ayça Zenginoğlu, Sakhi Mohammad Hamidy Wind Energy Forecasting With Different Machine Learning Methods
  19:30 166-Halil Sinoplugil, Gülşen Yaman Investigating the Energy Saving Potential of University Buildings in Terms of Energy Management: A Case Study
  19:50 90-Emin Emre Özdilek, Emircan Gündoğdu, Murat Çelik, Erol Demirkan Vibration Analysis FGM Plate: A Hybrid Analytical and Machine Learning Approach
  Room-5 (Online)
  Session: Fractional Calculus
  Chair: İlknur Koca
  18:10 206-Nadia M. G. Al-Saidi, Shaimaa S. Al-Bundi, Husam Yahya, Suzan Obays, Yeliz Karaca Time-efficient Fractal-Fractional Image Compression Based on the Hybridity between the Chaotic System and Deep Learning Algorithms
  18:30 101-Ece Gunes Zarali, Arzu Guleroglu Variational Iteration method for time fractional Schrödinger Equations
  18:50 246-İlknur Koca On a uniqueness results for fractional ordinary differential equations with some applications
  19:10 37-Emine Ersin, Cihan Bayındır Analysis and Modeling of Dam Break Problems by Fractional Dynamic Equations
  19:30 103-Halis Can Koyuncuoğlu, Öznur Öztunç Kaymak, Yiğit Kaymak, Jagan Mohan Jonnalagadda Analysis of integer and fractional order cobweb models: Comparative case study with machine learning algorithms
  19:50 255-Seda İğret Araz New insights into epidemiology: Theoretical and numerical investigation of piecewise differential equations
  Room-6 (Online)
  Session: Mathematics
  Chair: Mehmet Onur Fen
  18:10 218-Mehmet Onur Fen, Fatma Tokmak Fen Generation of Discontinuous Unpredictable Motions by Quasi-linear Systems with Regular Moments of Impulses
  18:30 81-Tuba Ulusoy, Nurcan Yarar H-polyhedral Separation for Cybersecurity
  18:50 159-Ahmet Şahiner, Halil İbrahim Gökdoğan ε Height Auxiliary Function Technique in Global Optimization
  19:10 63-Mehmet Bilal Özdemir, Ezgi Erdoğan Set Distance Based Lipschitz Classification and Metric Modelling
  19:30 225-Ümit Işlak, Bükre Yıldırım Külekci Analysis of the threshold dependence of degree related indices in weighted random graphs and complex networks
  19:50 87-Nurullah Yilmaz New Global Optimization Algorithms for Solving Economic Load Dispatch Problems
Thursday, 27th June 2024
Thursday, 27th June 2024
08:00-09:00 Registration
Plenary 09:00-09:35 Plenary Lecture-4 (Manyas Hall) Crossover behaviors in nature: How to capture them with mathematics
Speaker: Abdon Atangana - Online
Chair: Dumitru Baleanu
Invited Speaker 09:35-10:05 Invited Speaker-3 (Manyas Hall) Towards a linear decoupled physical-property-preserving difference method for solving a fractional-order generalized Zakharov system
Speaker: Zakia Hammouch
Chair: Necati Ozdemir
10:05-10:20 Coffee Break
  Room-1 (Manyas)
Session: Fractional Calculus
Chair: Ali Konuralp
10:20 174-Nolwazi Sheron Nkomo, Hossein Jafari Operational Matrix based in Bernoulli polynomials for solving fractional Burgess equation
10:40 26-Esma Ulutas A Variety of Solutions of the Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation in a White Noise Environment
11:00 219-Derya Avci, Aylin Yetim Optimal Precaution Strategies to Reduce Crimes Caused by Unemployment
11:20 245-Ali Konuralp, Serenay Abalı Solution of Fredholm Volterra Fractional Integro Differential Equation in Terms of Gegenbauer Wavelets Compared with the Solutions by Genocchi Polynomial
11:40 247-Dilek Taştekin, Ali Konuralp Fermat Collocation Method for Solving Fractional Order Differential Equations with Variable Coefficients
  Room-2 (Kazdagi)
Session: Ind. Eng & Oper. Res. 
Chair: Eray Cakici
10:20 175-Emine Akyol Özer, Tuğba Saraç Single Server Scheduling Problem with Stochastic Service Times
10:40 173-İlknur Tükenmez, Melis Alpaslan Takan A Multi-Objective Replenishment and Vehicle Routing Problem for Disaster Container
11:00 200-Cem Kazan, Gizem Temelcan Ergenecosar A Multi-Objective Vehicle Routing Model to Minimize Maximum Travel Time of the Longest Tour Under Stochastic Travel Times Between Nodes
11:20 100-Arif Fıçı, Gözde Zeynep Bolulugil, Furkan Ulutaş, Emine Akyol Özer Solution Approaches for Airport Taxiway Planning Problem
11:40 74-Esra Aktaş, Ediz Atmaca Determination of Cell Formation and Efficiency in a Gear Manufacturing Company
  Room-3 (Vali Galip Demirel)
Session: AI Applications
Chair: Hasan Hüseyin Yıldırım
10:20 141-Suzan Kantarcı Savaş, Gözde Ulutagay Enhancing Classification Accuracy with Interval-Valued Fuzzy Sets in the OWA Distance-Based CxK-Nearest Neighbor Approach
10:40 149-Adem Erik, Birsen İrem Kuvvetli, Sakhi Mohammad Hamidy, Yusuf Kuvvetli A new approach for training achievement based on course materials
11:00 212-Hasan H. Yıldırım, Ömer Faruk Rençber, Cevriye Yüksel Yıldırım The Comparison of Success Performances of Machine Learning Techniques: An Application on BIST
11:20 249-Gamze Şekeroğlu, Emine Nihan Cici Karaboğa, Esra Kızıloğlu, Kazım Karaboğa Which Stock Market is More Predictable? Comparison of Machine Learning and Deep Learning Algorithms for Stock Price Prediction of Company with Dual-Listed Stocks
11:40 196-Hande Uslu Tuna, Murat Sari, Tahir Cosgun A discretization-free deep neural network-based approach for advection-dispersion-reaction processes
  Room-4 (Online)
Session: Model. & Optim. in Engineering
Chair: Metin Demirtas
10:20 71-Okan Kon, Ismail Caner Thermal Performance Analysis for Walls in Buildings With Analytical Quadrupoles Method
10:40 131-Yuli Sri Afrianti, Udjianna S. Pasaribu, Husaini Ardy, Fadhil H. Sulaiman, Grace Angelia The Circular Grid on Microstructure Stainless Steel Image using Correspondence Analysis with K-Means Clustering
11:00 240-Ali Yıldırım, Durmuş Yarımpabuç, Kerimcan Çelebi Determination of Temperature Distribution of FG Dry Cylinder Liner
11:20 110-Halit Gürkan Keskin, Mahdi Tabatabaei Malazi Thermal Performance Improvement of an Internally Finned Tube by Optimizing the Shape of the Fins
11:40 127-Hatice Elif Beytekin, Yahya Kaya, Ali Mardani, Filiz Şenkal Sezer Effect of Polypropylene Fiber Aspect Ratio and Use Rate on the Wear Resistance of Lightweight Facade Concrete
  Room-5 (Online)
Session: Mathematical Applications
Chair: Hossein Jafari 
10:20 157-Nagehan Alsoy-Akgün Stability analysis of the solution of coupled sine-Gordon equations via the dual reciprocity boundary element method
10:40 64-Derya Yıldırım Sucu, Seydi Battal Gazi Karakoç A Novel Perspective for Solutions of the Gardner Equation using two Reliable Methods
11:00 14-Fatma Nur Kaya Saglam, Zehra Pinar İzgi Study on Generalized (3+1)-Dimensional Variable Coefficient Nonlinear Wave Equation
11:20 182-Sezin Çit, Ogün Doğru On Better Approximation Order for the Nonlinear Truncated Favard-Szász-Mirakjan Operator of Max-Product Kind
11:40 227-Zeynep Adıgüzel, Harun Selvitopi Finite Difference/Finite Element Solution of 2-Dimensional Damped Wave Type Convection-Diffusion Equation
  Room-6 (Online)
Session: Mathematics
Chair: Saptarshi Das
10:20 228- Ali Hamzah Alibrahim, Saptarshi Das Generalized p-Laplace Transforms Related to the Generalized Complex Numbers
10:40 254-Asuman Açık, Duygu Dönmez Demir, Ali Konuralp Pell-Lucas Collocation Method for High-Order Linear Differential Equations
11:00 171-Sevilay Demir Sağlam On the Existence of Optimal Solutions for the Mayer Problem with Differential Inclusions
11:20 215-Ömer Aktaş, Merve Kara, Yasin Yazlık Solvability of a System of Difference Equations
11:40 129-Simge Kacar Eroğlu, Gamze Yüksel Forward-Backward Dynamic Mode Decomposition with Control 
Invited Speaker 12:05-12:35 Invited Speaker-4 (Manyas Hall) Human-robot collaborative assembly systems
Speaker: Mukund Janardhanan
Chair: Ibrahim Kucukkoc
Industry Session 12:35-13:05 Industry Session (Manyas Hall) Wolfram Mathematica Software Exhibition
Speaker: Ömer Köksal
13:05-14:10 LUNCH
Invited Speaker 14:15-14:45 Invited Speaker-5 (Manyas Hall) Constraint Programming - An Alternative Approach to Heuristics in Scheduling
Speaker: Eray Cakici
Chair: Ramazan Yaman
  Room-1 (Manyas)
Session: Mathematical Applications
Chair: Ulaş Yamancı
14:50 53-Süleyman Cengizci, Hakan Fehmi Öztop, Gülden Mülayim An application of the SUPG/PSPG finite element formulation for simulating natural convection heat transfer inside nanoliquid-filled 2D cavities
15:10 43-Pelin Şenel MHD Slip Flow in a Wavy Channel Subjected to an Inclined Magnetic Field
15:30 99-Ebutalib ÇELİK Local RBF-Enhanced Finite Difference Method and an Application to MHD Flow
15:50 216-Hamit Armağan, Ulaş Yamancı Modeling Microbial Growth Dynamics: Integrating Differential Equation-Based and Nonlinear Regression Approaches
16:10 113-Irma Hacinliyan On Non-viscous Regularization of the 3D Davey-Stewartson System
  Room-2 (Kazdagi)
Session: Ind. Eng & Oper. Res. 
Chair: Halima Lakhbab
14:50 27-İlknur Tükenmez, Ömer Özkan Drone Routing Problem for Patrolling Forest Areas
15:10 75-Esra Aktaş, Ediz Atmaca Determination of Criteria for Selection of Candidate Sites for Temporary Debris Storage
15:30 117-Rabia Yavuz, Buse Özcan, Selin Dünya, Gizem Baktır, Abderrahmane Benadder,
Şeyma Bekli, Betül Kayışoğlu
Worker Assignment and Training Problem Based on Competency Levels
15:50 208-Abdurrahman Coşkuner, Ömer Faruk Rençber The Imbalanced Data Problem: Investigating Factors Affecting Financial Freedom Using Data Mining Techniques with SMOTE Method
  Room-3 (Vali Galip Demirel)
Session: Energy
Chair: Ramazan Yaman
14:50 12-Ramazan Yaman Smart Grid Solutions for Managing High-Power Demands and Uncertainties in Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure
15:10 47-F. Kemal Bayat, Zeynep Aslı Cetin, Mutlu Yilmaz Deterministic Kalman Observer for Multimachine Power Systems
15:30 55-Alp Karadeniz, Murat Erhan Balci An Optimal Hybrid Harmonic Filter Design for Maximization of Transformer Loading Capability under Non-linear Loading Conditions
15:50 152-Hakan Akca, Ahmet Aktas, Seyit Ahmet Sis, Ramazan Ayaz, Ali Durusu, Ibrahim Sengor, Ugur Savas Selamogullari Optimization-Based Intelligent Energy Management Strategy for Photovoltaic System Integrated Electric Vehicle Wireless Charging System
16:10 150- Emir Acar, İrem Hoşgün, Emine Akyol Özer, Adem Tunçdamar Developing a Genetic Algorithm-based Tool for Design Optimization 
  Room-4 (Online)
Session: AI Applications
Chair: İlker Gölcük
14:50 132-Yuli Sri Afrianti, Grace Angelia, Fadhil H. Sulaiman Classification of Bandung Regency Wells Based on Mineral Elements using Cluster Analysis of K-Means, K-Medians, and K-Medoids
15:10 209-Haris Calgan, Metin Demirtas Masking of Measurements Obtained from Photovoltaic System with an Incommensurate Fractional-order Chaotic System
15:30 168-İlker Gölcük, Esra Duygu Durmaz Performance comparison of oppositional metaheuristics for global optimization
15:50 130- Veysel Kobya, Yahya Kaya,  Ali Mardani Evaluation of the Performance of Amine-Based Grinding Aids
16:10 36- Rabia Merve Çakmak, Cihan Bayındır, Abdullah Burak Erbay The Prediction of Pier Dynamics Using LSTM Deep Learning Network-based SAP2000 Analysis
  Room-5 (Online)
Session: ANN Applications
Chair: Necati Ozdemir
14:50 177-Oluwaseun Olumide Okundalaye, Necati Özdemir Improving Diagnosis of Pneumonia Among Population: A Machine Learning Method Using Deep Learning, Reinforcement Learning, and Agent-Based Modeling on Chest X-Ray Images
15:10 244- Saptarshi Das, Lamia M Alyami, Mehmet Yavuz, Fatma Ozkose, Stuart Townley Classification of Bifurcation Type in COVID-19 Pandemic Models Using Deep Learning
15:30 57-Ali Rıza Alan, Cihan Bayındır The Predictability of Oceanic Circulations via FFT-ANFIS Spectral Adaptive Fuzzy Network
15:50 224-Nadide Çağlayan Özaydın The Forecasting of Arrival Calls to Call Centers Using Artificial Neural Networks Method: An Application for the Electiricity Distribution Company
16:10 51-Mehmet Ali Kaygusuz, Vilda Purutçuoğlu Adaptive Conformal Quantile Regression Neural Networks With Survival Data
  Room-6 (Online)
Session: Ind. Eng & Oper. Res. 
Chair: Zülal Diri Kenger
14:50 94-Sadi Güzel, Metin Zontul, Mert Akçay, İlkay Yelmen Loading Optimization of Shrinkage Products for Airline Companies
15:10 138- Zülal Diri Kenger, Ömer Nedim Kenger, Zeynel Abidin Çil Incorporating 3D Printing Technology and Component Dimension Considerations into Advanced Manufacturing Strategies for Disassembly Line and Routing Problem
15:30 194- Hilmi Tunahan Akkuş, Cansu Şarkaya İçellioğlu, Hasan Memiş Investigation of Volatility Relationships among Global Indices: TVP-VAR Approach
15:50 213-Gokhan Karakose Integer Programming Models to Solve Matching Problems
16:10 250-Akın Bedük, Özgül Vupa Çilengiroğlu Performance Evaluation of Linear Regression Models Based on Specific Features in the Turkish Second-Hand Car Market
16:30-16:45 Coffee Break
Plenary 16:45-17:20 Plenary Lecture-5 (Manyas Hall) Optimal management of defined contribution pension funds under the effect of inflation, mortality and uncertainty
Speaker: Gerhard Wilhelm Weber - Online
Chair: Necati Ozdemir
  Room-1 (Manyas)
Session: Mathematical Applications
Chair: Ozlem Defterli
17:25 231-Ozlem Defterli, Ayse Ozmen, Gerhard Wilhelm-Weber Modern Regression Tools for the Dynamics of Complex Networks – A Comparative Study Based on a Real-World Application
17:45 45-Hamit Armağan, Ulaş Yamancı Efficiency of Regression Models and Differential Systems in Predicting S-I-R Groups in Pandemic Processes and Hybrid Modeling
18:05 163-M. Burcu Irmak Yazıcıoglu, Berna Turkmen Pathogenicity Prediction of CHEK1 and CHEK2 Genes Using Artificial Intelligence-supported in Silico
18:25 104-F.Sidre Oğlakkaya, Canan Bozkaya Natural Convection in a Nanofluid Filled Inclined Cavity Beneath the Influence of a Partial Magnetic Field
18:45 136-Ahmet Şahiner, Gülden Kapusuz A New Total Data Fitting Method (TDFM)
  Room-2 (Kazdagi)
Session: Mathematics
Chair: Mete Öğüç
17:25 184-Mete Öğüç, Zeynep Güneş Özünal Optimization Framework for Cell Culture Plate Positioning in Microbiological Safety Cabinets: Addressing Adverse Acoustic Effects and Advancing Regenerative Medicine
17:45 60-Önder Türk, Eylem Bahadır Approximation of Laplace-Steklov Eigenvalue Problems by a Dual Reciprocity Boundary Element Method
18:05 82-Pinar Baydemir, Huseyin Merdan Stability and sensitivity analysis of a Leslie type prey-predator system with Allee effect
18:25 111- Cihan Sezer, Kenan Kaya, Mahdi Tabatabaeimalazi, Ahmet Selim Dalkılıç, Hasan Alpay Heperkan Investigating the Effects of Morphological Changes of Red Blood Cells on Flow Characteristics in Capillaries Numerically
  Room-3 (Vali Galip Demirel)
Session: AI & Mechanical Eng.
Chair: Melike Sultan Karasu Asnaz
17:25 165-Melike Sultan Karasu Asnaz Optimizing Solar Drying Efficiency: Impact of Zeolite on Thin-Layered Solar Drying
17:45 126-Hatice Elif Beytekin, Yahya Kaya, Ali Mardani, Filiz Şenkal Sezer Effect of Polypropylene Fiber Aspect Ratio and Use Rate on Drying-Shrinkage Behavior of Lightweight Concrete
18:05 115-Öykü Çorapçıoğlu, Ece Zırhlı, Gizem Özbilir, Enis Çalışır, Fehmi Burçin Özsoydan, Adem Tunçdamar A Decision Support System for Constrained Mechanical Design Problems: A Case Study for Aircraft Structural Optimization
18:25 116-Enis Çalışır, Gizem Özbilir, Ece Zırhlı, Öykü Çorapçıoğlu, Adem Tunçdamar, Fehmi Burçin Özsoydan Genetic Algorithm with Various Encoding Techniques for a Constrained Mechanical Design Problem: A Case Study for Aircraft Structural Optimization
18:45 217-Derya Avci, Sanem Sakarya An Artificial Intelligence Approach to Parameter Estimation for An Addiction Model
  Room-4 (Online)
Session: Ind. Eng & Oper. Res. 
Chair: Eray Cakici
17:25 24-Gürkan Güven Güner Optimizing Vehicle Routing: A Comprehensive Literature Review of Mixed Integer Linear Programming Solutions
17:45 118-İsmail Kayahan, Elifcan Yaşa, Seda Baş Güre Comparison of covering models for pharmacy-on-duty problems with the equity levels
18:05 122-Yeliz Buruk Sahin, Burak Urazel Multi Objective Manta Ray Foraging Optimizer for a Home Health Care Routing Problem
18:25 133-Betül Çoban, Safiye Aybala Kılıç Optimizing Dynamic UAV Base Station Placement for Enhanced Communication in Disaster Response
18:45 186-Mahmut Tutam, Şeyma Emeç Optimizing Energy Consumption of Electrical Vehicles with Smart Driving Systems
  Room-5 (Online)
Session: AI Applications
Chair: Soumia Benbakreti
17:25 79-Benbakreti Soumia, Benbakreti Samir, Benyahia Kadda The mathematical aspect of transfer learning parameters in pretrained models for lung cancer classification
17:45 176-Oluwaseun Olumide Okundalaye, Necati Özdemir A Comparative Study on the Automated Detection of Tuberculosis Bacteria in Sputum images through the use of Machine Learning Algorithms
18:05 23-Ali Berkol, İdil Gökçe Demirtaş Mathematical Foundations and Applications of Genetic Algorithms in Defense Industry: Practices and Analyses
18:25 35-Abdullah Burak Erbay, Cihan Bayındır Prediction of Seismic Performance of Coastal and Port Structures via LSTM-Based Transfer Function Retrieval Approach
18:45 78-Harun Mert Ilbeyli, Turker Turkoglu, Sare Celik Particle Swarm Optimization of the Mechanical Alloying Process for Magnesium-Based Composite
  Room-6 (Online)
Session: Mathematics
Chair: Firat Evirgen
17:25 88-Nurullah Yilmaz A New Two-Step Smoothing Newton-Type Algorithm to Solve Non-Lipschitz Absolute Value Equations
17:45 252-Aytekin Enver, Fatma Ayaz Numerical Solution of Time Fractional Partial Differential Equations for a Mathematical Model of Diabetic Atherosclerosis
18:05 253-Gülizar Aşır, Fırat Evirgen Simulation-Based Analysis of Dengue Fever Considering Mosquito Aquatic Development Stages
18:25 158-Nagehan Alsoy-Akgün Application of dual reciprocity boundary element method for 2D coupled sine-Gordon equations
18:45 102-Arzu Guleroglu, Ece Gunes Zarali Application of the variational iteration method to space fractional Schrödinger equation
Round-table 19:05-19:35 Round-table Discussion (Manyas Hall)
Friday, 28th June 2024
Friday, 28th June 2024
08:00-09:00 Registration
  Room-1 (Manyas)
Session: Model. & Optim. in Engineering
Chair: Ramazan Yaman
9:00 68-Yusuf Toprak, Oktay Karakaya, Sevket Canturk, Murat E. Balci Design of Passive Harmonic Filter for the Claw-Pole Synchronous Generators under Non-linear Loading
9:20 83-Figen Öztoprak, Rabia Şener, Fatma Nur Öter, İrem Büşra Demiral, Görkem Demir A Methodology for Robust Constrained Optimization involving Expensive Function Evaluations with Application to Airfoil Design Optimization
9:40 32-Gulnaz Daloglu Investigation of the Countries According to Mining Raw Material Production by Cluster Analysis
10:00 98-Seda Karateke,  Abdullah Ozan Aslan, Hande Uyan, İbrahim Büyükyazıcı Statistical Properties of the Generalized Logistic-Type Function and its Application to a Real-Life Dataset
  Room-2 (Kazdagi)
Session: Mathematical Applications
Chair: Sanjukta Das
9:00 164-Dilek Betul Sarıdede, Sevim Cengiz Classification of Metastatic Tumor Types Using Radiomic Features
9:20 119-Jale Sade Fetal Health Assessment Using an Adaptive Neural Fuzzy Inference System
9:40 237-Muhammet Öztürk, İbrahim Özkol Comparison of Modified Karnik-Mendel Algoritm Based Interval Type-2 ANFIS and Type-1 ANFIS Controllers
  Room-3 (Vali Galip Demirel)
Session: Mathematics
Chair: Firat Evirgen
9:00 65-Steven Dougherty, Esengül Saltürk The Type of the Hull and the Number of Codes over Rings
9:20 105-Öznur Özkan Kılıç Coefficient Estimates for a subclass of univalent functions defined by Ruscheweyh Operator
9:40 140-Yağmur Ceren Güven, Gökşen Bacak-Turan Super Domination Number of Middle Graphs
10:00 181-Didem Ersanlı An Asymmetric and Nonlinear Hankel Matrix and its Some Algebraic Properties
  Room-4 (Online)
Session: Ind. Eng & Oper. Res. 
Chair: Betül Kayışoğlu
9:00 135-Betül Kayışoğlu, Burak Ciğer Logistics Plan with Different Transportation Modes
9:20 169-Esra Duygu Durmaz, İlker Gölcük Fuzzy VIKORSort method for supplier segmentation
9:40 145-Betül Çoban, Ahmed Demirezen, Ahmet Caner Sağır Site Selection for Small Modular Reactors
10:00 160-Cansu Aksu A Strategic Approach for Sustainable Logistics: Environmental Performance Evaluation of Logistics Companies Using Grey Relational Analysis
10:20 221-Bora Ak, Serkan Tanrıverdi, Şeyda Topaloğlu Yıldız A machine-learning based methodology for optimal site selection of electric vehicle charging stations in Turkey
  Room-5 (Online)
Session: ANN Applications
Chair: Mehmet Yavuz
9:00 97-Fuat Kılıç Transient Performance Improvement of Induction Motor Drive Systems Using PSO Optimised Interval Type-2 Fuzzy PID Controller 
9:20 203-Furkan Beyazlı, Harun Selvitopi Artificial Neural Network Solution Of Two-Dimensional Convection-Diffusion Equation
9:40 137-Ahmet Şahiner, Selma Kılınç Measuring The Effect of Certain Basic, Social and Academic Activities on Success Using Modern Techniques
10:00 151-Ali Rıza Alan, Cihan Bayındır The ARIMA Predictions and Spectral Analysis of the 30 October 2020 İzmir-Samos Tsunami
10:20 193-Hilmi Tunahan Akkuş, Ayhan İstanbullu, Fatma Feyza Akyol, Faruk Özel Predicting Cryptocurrency Prices Using Artificial Intelligence Methods: The Case of Bitcoin
  Room-6 (Online)
Session: Ind. Eng & Oper. Res. 
Chair: Eren Ozceylan
9:00 143-Ömer Nedim Kenger, Zülal Diri Kenger, Zeynel Abidin Çil Integrating K-Nearest Hyperbox Expansion Rule with Improved Online Learning Algorithm for General Fuzzy Min–Max Neural Networks
9:20 42-Eren Ozceylan Pharmacy Location Selection with Geographical Information System: The Case of İzmir Province
9:40 192-Alper Döyen, Yakup Atasagun Searching for Efficient Inference in Belief Networks by Using Artificial Immune Systems
10:00 147-Ayca Özceylan, Mehmet Tanyaş Weighting and Analysis of Sustainable Disaster Logistics Maturity Model Criteria using Best-Worst Method
10:20 134-Mustafa Dağıstan, Ayşegül Kaya, Fatma Nur Burgu, Sunay İlayda Çambel, Şeyma Bekli, Betül Kayışoğlu Demand Forecast and Inventory Replenishment Framework for Retail Industry
Invited Speaker 10:45-11:15 Invited Speaker-6 (Manyas Hall) Operational Matrices for Solving Fractional-order Differential equations
Speaker: Hossein Jafari - Online
Chair: Zakia Hammouch
Closing 11:15-11:40 Closing Ceremony (Manyas Hall)
Speaker: Conference Chairs
  12:00-19:00 Social Tour (Ayvalik-Cunda)